
ADA Find-a-Dentist® users are 5x more likely to contact a dentist

ADA Find-a-Dentist® is a marketing tool included with your membership designed to help new patients find you in an easy-to-navigate directory. Since its launch in 2017, nearly 8 million potential patients have visited the tool.

On average, 15% of people who visit Find-a-Dentist take the next step to contact a dentist – that’s 5x the industry average, so updating your profile is vital. The more complete the profile, the higher it rises to the top of the search results. Profiles with photos, emails, websites, etc. appear first. And profiles with photos are 11 times more likely to be clicked on! It takes less than 5 minutes and is included in your membership.

Update your profile and rise to the top:

  • Visit to login and update your profile.
  • Completed profiles with photos rise to the top of search results
  • If you need help, contact the ADA Member Service Center at 1-800-621-8099 and a representative will be happy to help you.

Update your profile today! For step by step instructions, click here.