Dental Education Endowment Fund: Our Legacy, Our Future

During his year as ISDS President, Dr. Keith Dickey encouraged our entire dental society and the general public, to further support dental education. As stated in his closing message to the ISDS House of Delegates in 2008; “The time has come for us to make a difference in the future of dental education. We must create a culture of philanthropy within our community. We must be responsible for the larger roles each one of us has in this effort. Our goal is to proactively change today for a better tomorrow. It is time for us to give back to a system that has enabled us to excel as individuals and as a community of professionals. A strong dental education system is vital to the future of our profession and the future of the public's oral health. As we collectively show our commitment to strengthen dental education, we will all benefit.”

The ISDS Foundation kicked off a $2 million campaign for dental education in Illinois on April 16, 2008, during the annual Capital Conference meeting in Springfield. The campaign, entitled, "A Case Today for Dental Education" encouraged every ISDS member to donate the proceeds from at least one dental treatment case within the practicing dentists’ family of patients (a minimum of $1000) each year. Several ISDS member dentists and dental supporters stepped up to pledge $50,000 for this campaign in 2008. In addition, the ISDS Board of Trustees pledged $200,000 to get this campaign well under way, however, due to the “winds of change” this pledge was rescinded by the Board in 2010 – leaving the campaign underfunded and struggling to meet the campaign’s mission.

This ISDS Foundation campaign asks the general public and dental practitioners to promise to donate generously -- time, talent and money -- to the Illinois dental schools of their choice -- and if such a dental school no longer exists, please donate to the Dental Education Endowment Fund.

The most important consideration is tomorrow -- the future. It is where we will spend the rest of our lives. This Foundation endowed campaign is a dream about the future -- a future where the dental profession will remain independent; a future free of onerous regulation and legislation; a future where no one will ever tell dentists who to treat, how to treat or how much they are going to reimburse the dentist to treat a patient.

The monies donated to “Our Legacy, Our Future” campaign is retained in a designated fund – an endowment – which is managed by the ISDS Foundation Board of Directors. The earnings from these investments are used to support dental education at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-Illinois, and Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine.

The ISDS Foundation Board requests from each dental school administration to provide a “wish lists” and/or a financial request identifying where these requested funds are most needed for each educational program to succeed and most visible to those donating to the endowment.

Dentistry is one of the most trustworthy and honest professions in the world. Let's continue this wonderful reputation and secure it for generations to come. The integrity of our profession depends on it. Tell others and support dental education through the ISDS Foundation – it’s is our legacy and it’s our future.

To donate to this program, contact us here.