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Election Notice for 2025 ISDS House of Delegates

Mar 27, 2025
The 2025 ISDS House of Delegates will be held September 12-13 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton East Peoria Riverfront Hotel & Conference Center in Peoria, IL.
Each ISDS component must elect its delegate(s) and alternate(s) for the 2025 ISDS House of Delegates. Per ISDS Bylaws, please notify Tara Conway via email at or FAX at (217) 525-8872 of those selections no later than Wednesday, August 13, 2025.
Bylaws language regarding terms for delegates and alternates:

Section 4. Terms of Delegates: Terms of delegates and alternate delegates shall commence at the beginning of the annual session and end at the beginning of the next annual session. Delegates shall be elected annually, and no delegate shall be allowed to serve for more than five (5) consecutive terms unless in the immediate following years(s), the member holds a component society or branch office, is a member of a component society's governing board or is the Dean of a dental school. After serving five (5) or more consecutive terms, a member must sit out a minimum of one (1) term as a delegate before becoming eligible for election to the House again. While sitting out as a delegate, a member may serve as an alternate.
These former delegates have been seated for five consecutive years and are excluded from serving as a delegate this year unless: (1) they are a branch or component officeholder or (2) they are serving on a component governing board in 2025:

Drs. Daniela Brzozowski, John Faber, Danny Hanna, Kathy Jean, Paul Kempf, David Lewis, Jun Lim, Frank Maggio, Sal Storniolo and Manisha Virdi.

If one of the above is selected by your component or branch and eligible for more than a fifth consecutive term because of one of the above exceptions, please let Tara know so we can track it.
The attached list shows the number of delegates that each component and branch has been allocated based on the formula of up to 75 members to 1 delegate. Click here to view page.
Components and branches may elect alternate delegates, equal to the number of delegates, but it is not required.
Lastly, do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. You can reach me, Eric Larson, at or Tara Conway at You may also call the ISDS Headquarters at 217/525-1406.