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In Memoriam

Aug 6, 2024
Each August, we pay tribute to those member dentists we have lost in the past year. Their passion, expertise, and commitment to caring for their patients will be deeply missed.
Dentists play a crucial role in maintaining the oral health of individuals, ensuring bright smiles and overall well-being. As we reflect on the past year, it is with heavy hearts that we pay tribute to the dentists we have lost. These dedicated professionals selflessly served their communities, working tirelessly to alleviate dental pain and improve oral health.

We are forever grateful for their contributions and the lasting impact they made on the dental profession. May their legacy be remembered and cherished as we honor their invaluable service to the people of Illinois.

If you know of a member dentist who has passed, please contact ISDS Member Relations Assistant, Danielle Williams.

In Memoriam: 8/1/2023 – 8/1/2024
Jeffrey G. Lapsker (8/4/23)
Raymond L. D’Amico (8/5/23)
Richard W. Alcorn (9/3/23)
Lester C. Liby (9/5/23)
Atwood J. Huff (9/7/23)
Martin Marshack (9/27/23)
Russell K. Wangen (10/9/23)
David R. Bisterfeldt (10/17/23)
Donald G. Brandeau (10/24/23)
John R. Goska (10/27/23)Dr.
Carter Hagberg (11/15/2023)
Joanna Baranovskis (11/18/23)
Douglas Nichols (12/13/23)
Gerald R. Lynch (12/14/23)
Romualdas R. Povilaitis (12/14/23)
Paul J. Ineich (12/15/23)
James T. Barrett (12/21/23)
Donald J.  Provenzale (12/23/23)
Gerald W. Burkett (12/28/23)
James F. Wahl (1/6/24)
David L. Krick (1/8/24)
Justin Dewayne Settle (2/15/24)
Vincent J. Losito (3/23/24)
Andrew W. Browar (4/7/24)
Mark A. Robinson (5/9/24)
Thomas E. Davey (5/24/24)
John A. Schmeda (5/24/24)
Nils F. Sandstrom (7/13/24)
William E. Cusack (8/12/24)