Placing a Classified
View our current classifieds by clicking here.
Listing Categories
- For Sale
- Looking to Purchase
- Opportunities
- Miscellaneous
How to Place a Classified Ad
Complete the Classified Ad Form below to begin the process of placing your classified ad.
Classified Rates
Classified advertising in the Illinois Dental News are for combined editions (January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December) The rate is $85 for 30 words, plus 50¢ for each additional word. For advertisements with a box number, $5.00 is added. Copy must be received by the 1st of the month prior to the month of publication with remittances accompanying the ads. (For example, the deadline for the March/April issue is February 1st.) You may use the form below to submit your classified advertisement. "Boxed" classifieds measure 2" square and are $150 or 2” x 3” for $200.
Ad Submission & Payment
Your listing will be pending until we respond to you with the word count and cost, and to verify the category and obtain payment information. Payments must be made with credit card at time of placement (VISA/MC/DISC/AMEX). Your ad will be placed in the next available issue of the IL Dental News and will appear online in the same month. For questions or to place a classified with the Illinois State Dental Society, email Misty Glass or call 217-525-1406.